Monday, February 14, 2011

Oral Argument and Court's Opinion in U.S. v. Wrights

On Monday, Feb. 14th, 2011, at 12:37 PM, the UCHS Supreme Court heard oral argument in the case of United States v. Wrights.  For the United States, which was defending its law prohibiting protests within a certain time and distance of a soldier's funeral, Counselor Akeem M. made a solid opening argument.  For Charlene Wrights, which defended the Granny Peace Brigade's anti-war protests as free speech, Counselor Shantel T. made a thorough opening argument as well.  Counselors Sharon S., Janice P., Parrish G., and Natalia M. made fierce rebuttals for the United States, as Malik H., Ciara S., and Jaleesa B. did for Wrights.  The justices asked both sides pointed questions, which the legal teams responded to thoroughly.

In the end, the Supreme Court ruled, 3-2, that the U.S. did in fact have the right to limit speech at a soldier's funeral.  A written opinion of the Court is forthcoming.

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