Monday, February 14, 2011

Oral Argument and Court's Opinion in U.S. v. Wrights

On Monday, Feb. 14th, 2011, at 12:37 PM, the UCHS Supreme Court heard oral argument in the case of United States v. Wrights.  For the United States, which was defending its law prohibiting protests within a certain time and distance of a soldier's funeral, Counselor Akeem M. made a solid opening argument.  For Charlene Wrights, which defended the Granny Peace Brigade's anti-war protests as free speech, Counselor Shantel T. made a thorough opening argument as well.  Counselors Sharon S., Janice P., Parrish G., and Natalia M. made fierce rebuttals for the United States, as Malik H., Ciara S., and Jaleesa B. did for Wrights.  The justices asked both sides pointed questions, which the legal teams responded to thoroughly.

In the end, the Supreme Court ruled, 3-2, that the U.S. did in fact have the right to limit speech at a soldier's funeral.  A written opinion of the Court is forthcoming.

Oral Argument and Court's Opinion in Philadelphia v. Ted's Pizza

On Monday, Feb. 14th, 2011, at 11:47 AM, the UCHS Supreme Court heard oral argument in the case of Philadelphia v. Ted's Pizza.  For the city of Philadelphia, which sought to use the power of eminent domain under the 5th amendment to build a new stadium, Counselor Martin M. made a passionate opening argument.  For Ted's Pizza, which insists that a new stadium will harm the community and is not a public purpose, Counselor Tysheema M. pitched in to make a very clear, persuasive argument.  Counselors Jason W., Diamond B., and Matthew B. made fierce rebuttals for Philadelphia, as Randall M., Cierra J., and Miya G. did for Ted's Pizza.

In the end, the Supreme Court ruled, 4-0, that the 5th amendment did not allow the city to construct a stadium.  A written opinion of the Court is forthcoming.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Links for Interest Groups

6th Period: Philadelphia v. Ted's Pizza
  • Castle Coalition:
  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce:
7th Period: U.S. v. Wrights
  • American Legion:
  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU):
9th Period: Sacred Alien Church v. Altoona
  • TBD
  • People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA):

Monday, January 31, 2011

Roles in U.S. v. Wrights

Here is the official listing of who is taking which roles in our cases!

United States' Legal Team
  • Opening Argument - Akeem M.
  • Rebuttal Lawyers - Natalia M., Parrish G.
  • Legal Brief Specialists - Janice P., Ciara S. 
Wrights' Legal Team
  • Opening Argument - Sharon S.
  • Rebuttal Lawyers - Malik H., Jaleesa B.
  • Legal Brief Specialists - Tairah F., Shantel T.
Interest Groups
  • American Legion - Kenyatta C., Elexis L., Donta A., Sparkles D.
  • American Civil Liberties Union - Kat B., Hakima F., Dominique C.
  • Washington Post - Jeffrey D., Tyriek C., Marketa G.
Justices Presiding
  • Justice Bobbi
  • Justice Bush
  • Justice Clark
  • Justice Hook
  • Justice Owens
  • Justice F. Sore

Roles in Philadelphia v. Ted's Pizza

Here is the official listing of who is taking which roles in our cases!
Philadelphia's Legal Team
  • Opening Argument - Martin M.
  • Rebuttal Lawyers - Diamond B., Jason W.
  • Legal Brief Specialists - Matthew B.
Ted's Pizza's Legal Team
  • Opening Argument - DaDa S.
  • Rebuttal Lawyers - Randell M., Tysheema W.
  • Legal Brief Specialists - Miya G., Cierra J.
Interest Groups
  • Castle Coalition - Dapresha H., Tatyana C., Kenia N., Sharita P., Lakeisha B., Shayla O.
  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Brittany J., Tilmon H., Anita B., Dysheema W.
  • Philadelphia Inquirer - Gwen W., Jenee N.
Justices Presiding
  • Justice Bell
  • Justice Edwards
  • Justice Graham
  • Justice Oates
  • Justice S. Sore

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

US v. Wrights Research

Hi 7th period lawyers (and 5th period justices assigned to this case!)  Here you'll find everything you need to start your research on our case.  Make sure you record key details and precedents so that you get everything you need to make the best argument you can.

Facts of the Case - United States v. Wrights

Text of the Law - Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act (2006)

Text of the Constitution - 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech

Precedents -

Sacred Alien Church v. Altoona

Hi 9th period lawyers (and 5th period justices assigned to this case!)  Here you'll find everything you need to start your research on our case.  Make sure you record key details and precedents so that you get everything you need to make the best argument you can.

Facts of the Case - Sacred Alien Church v. Altoona

Text of the Law - prohibits the "unnecessary killing of an animal in a public or private ritual or ceremony not for the primary purpose of food consumption."

Text of the Constitution - 1st Amendment Free Exercise of Religion

Precedents -

If there are words you don't know, I recommend using the online dictionary

Go get 'em!

Philadelphia v. Ted's Pizza Research

Hi 6th period lawyers (and 5th period justices assigned to this case!)  Here you'll find everything you need to start your research on our case.  Make sure you record key details and precedents so that you get everything you need to make the best argument you can.

Facts of the Case - Philadelphia v. Ted's Pizza

Text of the Law - Pennsylvania Eminent Domain Code
(remember, "eminent domain" refers to the government taking an individual or company's private property without their consent, but providing "just compensation" -- a fair price)

Text of the Constitution - 5th Amendment Takings Clause (see last line)

Precedents -
If there are words you don't know, I recommend using the online dictionary

Go get 'em!